It's well documented that breastmilk is a great source of nutrition for baby but what other benefits are there for mum and baby?
For mum
Research has shown that breastfeeding... read more »
Expressing will help to empty and stimulate your breast to make more milk. Express after your baby has had a breastfeed. To start with you may not get much milk – persevere as your body needs time to adjust to the increased demand
If you are not breastfeeding... read more »
Don’t worry, there are lots of signs you can look out for to allay your fears.
Your first milk, colostrum, comes in very small quantities (an average of 37ml over the first 24 hours, gradually increasing daily as the baby suckles more). As new-born babies... read more »
The key to a good latch is timing. When your baby’s mouth is opening wide you should pull them onto the breast quickly and gently, chin first. With a good latch, your baby’s lower jaw should be positioned as far from the base of the... read more »
Breastmilk as a natural vaccine and remedy and is the “perfect food” for your baby. It’s easy to digest, and because it’s made of live cells, your baby’s body can easily digest and absorb it.
Breastmilk... read more »
I am sure we have all heard it at least once… “Is he still breastfeeding?” and for many parents, the idea that their child would still be breastfeeding at an age where he could walk up and ask for milk was something they never imagined!... read more »
So, your baby is growing up and still breastfeeding! – Did you ever imagine you’d manage this long? Well done! And keep going for as long as you both are happy to!
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Some babies are born too early or born needing some extra health care. We know that breast milk is ideal for human babies and early or sick babies are no different. For them having colostrum and breast milk will not only give them... read more »